Here is an overview of my skill set. This is a rough overview and I encourage you to check out more info in my projects page or, better yet, contact me directly if you have further questions!


  • C - 3 years experience working on a variety of projects
  • C++/C++ 11 - 3 years experience working on a variety of projects (also includes C++ template programming)
  • C# - 1 year experience creating applications and custom scripts for the Unity Game Engine
  • x86 Assembly (SSE architecture) - 2 years experience on small-scale projects

General Computer Science Skills

  • Data structures (including vectors, linked lists, deques, BSTs, B-trees, red-black trees, arrays, etc.)
  • Algorithms (including mergesort, quicksort, insertion sort, depth and breadth-first searches, Dijkstra's algorithm, etc.)
  • Algorithm analysis (mathematical analysis to determine Big O complexity)
  • Common design patterns (including component-based, factory, chain of responsibility, singleton, MVC, etc.)

Libraries and Frameworks

  • Microsoft .NET framework 4.5
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • DirectX 11.2
  • AntTweakBar
  • C++ STL
  • C++ Boost libraries
  • Windows Socket API (WSA)


  • Microsoft Visual Studio, including VS 2013
  • Embarcadero RAD Studio
  • Eclipse

Version Control

  • Mercurial
  • SVN
  • Git

Operating Systems

  • Windows (including 8.1)
  • Linux (specifically Mint)
  • Virtual OS using VirtualBox

Other Software and Tools

  • Doxygen documentation software
  • GCC 
  • Microsoft Office Suit (including but not limited to One Note and Visio)
  • Basecamp Project Management software

Project Management Skills

  • 10+ years experience leading retail and service teams ranging from 10 - 30 people
  • 5 year retail store management experience
  • 3 years experience software product management (Producer)
  • 2 years experience Executive Project Manager (Head Producer) over 50+ concurrent projects, overseeing a total of over 150 developers (designers, engineers, artists and sound engineers)
  • Trade show Project Management experience, overseeing 2 booths at the Penny Arcade Expo (Prime) with a team of over 50
  • Agile Project Management experience (SCRUM)


  • BA in English, minors in Math and Physics - Portland State University
  • BS in Computer Science - DigiPen Institute of Technology